Music is: Chariots of fire

An animated Dove of Peace

Awards Won image

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Golden Web Award
Golden Web Award
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Award for Outstanding Web Design
Award for Outstanding Web Design
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LadyShae's Woman Webmasters Award of Excellence
LadyShae's Woman Webmasters Award of Excellence
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The American Association Of Webmasters Bronze Award

The American Association Of Webmasters Bronze Award.

Meme & Pop's Home Page was lost due to an undetermined computer glitch. - 3 Years later and it is now known as {Meme & Buster's Website}.

Congratulations! Your site at: Meme & Pop's Home Page has been selected to receive The American Association Of Webmasters™, "Bronze" Award. We see all the hard work and dedication that you have put into constructing your web site and your efforts are well deserved. Your site displays: A nice clean Design and Layout of Website, with quality content and informative information for your visitors.

Congratulations once again on a wonderful website and contributing interesting content to the World Wide Web We wish you all the best.

Donna Snyder - CEO
Awards Committee - American Association Of Webmasters™
Rated With AS! 5.0 - World's Elite Award
Listed In "The Webmasters Guide To Glory"
Certified With - National Computer Science Academy
CEO of - The World Wide Web Awards
WWW Awards - Member of The Better Business Bureau


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D & L Robinson's Graphics Design Logo

~ This Web Site is Owned and Maintained by: D & L Robinson's Graphics Design ~