Music Is: Young at Heart by:
Frank Sinatra

Linda receives flowers for her Anniversary

Happy Anniversary my Dear.

Fairytales can come true
It can happen to you
If you're young at heart
For it's hard you will find


To be narrow of mind
If you're young at heart
You can go to extremes
With impossible schemes


You can laugh when your dreams
Fall apart at the seams
And life gets more exciting
With each passing day
And love is either in your heart


Or on it's way
Don't you know that it's worth
Every treasure on earth
To be young at heart
For as rich as you are
It's much better by far
To be young at heart


And if you should survive to 105
Look at all you'll derive
Out of being alive
And here is the best part
You've had a head start
If you are among the very
Young at heart


And if you should survive to 105
Look of all you'll derive
Out of being alive
And here is the best part
You have a head start
If you are among the very
Young at heart...

Linda High School Graduation Picture
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Linda with her first child Carol
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Linda's Family
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Linda is having a Tea Party with her then 1 month old Grand Daughter (Holly)
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Linda and I with our Precious Fur Baby Shivers She Passed Away: June 28th, 2006. of Breast Cancer
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Linda and Buster
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Linda's Anniversary Flowers
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Linda and I drove from Louisville, ky to Monticello, ky, to pick her up.
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Linda really loves Lay Cee Lee
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Mom and Sandy
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Grilling at Carols place
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Linda with her 2 Daughters are Clockwise rotation is: Sandy - Carol - Linda
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Linda with her Grand Daughter Holly and her 2 Great Grand Daughters Avery is in front of her mother and Reagan is with Linda
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Hello - Enjoying Family and Friends.
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Linda with her First Daughter Carol
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Thanksgiving Day FUN!!
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Thanksgiving Day FUN!!
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Thanksgiving Day FUN!!
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Linda, Sandy, Carol and Doris
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Just haven fun with a hat - MY hat...
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