Music is: TAPS

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Page Title {A Soldiers Prayer}.

The Lone Soldier -- A US Marine Soldier waiting for a ride to the FRONT LINE - in VIETNAM

Service Ribbon divider -- Military Medals - From left to right are: Bronze Star Ribbon/Purple Heart Ribbon/Prisoner of War Ribbon/U.S. Army Good Conduct Ribbon/American Campaign Ribbon/Europe-Africa-Middle East Ribbon {with 3 Service Stars}/World War II Victory Ribbon/Korean Service Ribbon/U.S. Vietnam Service Ribbon {with 3 Service Stars}/Southwest Asia Service Ribbon/Vietnam Campaign Ribbon
Military Ribbon Information: From left to right are,
  • ♦ Bronze Star Ribbon
  • ♦ Purple Heart Ribbon
  • ♦ Prisoner of War Ribbon
  • ♦ U.S. Army Good Conduct Ribbon
  • ♦ American Campaign Ribbon
  • ♦ Europe-Africa-Middle East Ribbon {with 3 Service Stars}
  • ♦ World War II Victory Ribbon
  • ♦ Korean Service Ribbon
  • ♦ U.S. Vietnam Service Ribbon {with 3 Service Stars}
  • ♦ Southwest Asia Service Ribbon
  • ♦ Vietnam Campaign Ribbon

To our men and women in uniform... past, present and future - God bless you... and thank you.     The Purple Heart Medel     I AM A Vietnam Veteran and DAMN PROUD of it.

Animated Lightining bolts     Animated Lightining bolts     Animated Lightining bolts

Look God.

I have never spoken to you,
But now I want to say,
"How do you do".

You see God,
they told me You did not exist;
And, like a fool,
I believed all of this.

Last night from a shell hole
I saw Your sky;
I figured right then
they had told me a lie.

Had I taken the time
to see the things You made,
I would know they weren't calling
a spade a spade.

I wonder, God,
if You would shake my hand;
Somehow, I feel
that You will understand.

Strange, I had to come
to this hellish place
Before I had time to see Your face.

Well, I guess there isn't
much more to say,
But I am sure glad, God,
I met You today.

I guess the Zero hour
will soon be here,
But I am not afraid
since I know You are near.

The signal - well, God,
I will have to go;
I love you lots,
this I want you to know.

Looks like this will be
a horrible fight;
Who knows, I may come
to Your house tonight.

Thought I wasn't friendly
with You before,
I wonder, God,
if you would wait at the door.

Look, I am crying,
me shedding tears!!
I wish I had known you
these many years.

Well, I will have to go now, God,
Strange, since I met you,
I am not afraid to die.

~ Author Unknown ~

This poem was found on the body of a nineteen
year old American Soldier in Vietnam..

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall
Please click on the above link.

Lightining bolts     Our Brother to Brother Award is Proudly Displayed where it belongs - TO ALL VETERANS     Lightining bolts

The Witness to War Foundation
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     The Witness to War Foundation is a non-profit organization
     dedicated to preserving the stories and unique experiences of
     combat veterans. Over 9,000 veterans, primarily from
     World War II, share their stories in digital video, most of which
     have never been told before.

Brother of Mine... I Miss You So.. My Brother may not have died in Vietnam - BUT - He did die because of Vietnam - He served 1 tour South East of Siagon


It all began in 1862 during the Civil War, when Union Army
Captain Robert Ellicombe was with his men near Harrison's
Landing in Virginia. The Confederate Army was on the other
side of the narrow strip of land. During the night, Captain
Ellicombe heard the moan of a soldier who lay mortally
wounded on the field. Not knowing if it was a Union or
Confederate soldier, the captain decided to risk his life and
bring the stricken man back for medical attention. Crawling
on his stomach through the gunfire, the captain reached the
stricken soldier and began pulling him toward his encampment.
When the captain finally reached his own lines, he discovered
it was actually a Confederate soldier, but the soldier was dead.

The captain lit a lantern. Suddenly he caught his breath and
went numb with shock. In the dim light, he saw the face of the
soldier. It was his own son.

The boy had been studying music in the South when the war
broke out. Without telling his father, he enlisted in the Confederate Army.

The following morning, heartbroken, the father asked permission
of his superiors to give his son a full military burial despite his
enemy status. His request was partially granted. The captain had
asked if he could have a group of Army band members play a
funeral dirge of the son at the funeral. That request was
turned down since the soldier was a Confederate.

Out of respect for the father, they did say they could give him only
one musician. The captain chose a bugler. He asked the bugler
to play a series of musical notes he found on a piece of paper
in the pocket of the dead youth's uniform. This wish was granted.

This music was the haunting melody we now know as "Taps" used
at all military funerals. First played for its composer.

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