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Page title {A Door Gunners Prayer}.

A Soldier heading home ALONE.

Service Ribbon divider -- Military Medals - From left to right are: Bronze Star Ribbon/Purple Heart Ribbon/Prisoner of War Ribbon/U.S. Army Good Conduct Ribbon/American Campaign Ribbon/Europe-Africa-Middle East Ribbon {with 3 Service Stars}/World War II Victory Ribbon/Korean Service Ribbon/U.S. Vietnam Service Ribbon {with 3 Service Stars}/Southwest Asia Service Ribbon/Vietnam Campaign Ribbon
Military Ribbon Information: From left to right are,
  • ♦ Bronze Star Ribbon
  • ♦ Purple Heart Ribbon
  • ♦ Prisoner of War Ribbon
  • ♦ U.S. Army Good Conduct Ribbon
  • ♦ American Campaign Ribbon
  • ♦ Europe-Africa-Middle East Ribbon {with 3 Service Stars}
  • ♦ World War II Victory Ribbon
  • ♦ Korean Service Ribbon
  • ♦ U.S. Vietnam Service Ribbon {with 3 Service Stars}
  • ♦ Southwest Asia Service Ribbon
  • ♦ Vietnam Campaign Ribbon

Daddys girl.     The Purple Heart Medel     Freedom is NEVER Free

Lightining bolts     Lightining bolts     Lightining bolts

A Door Gunners Prayer.

Sitting harnessed in my seat
with my flight helmet on,
we were going on a mission
just south of Saigon.

I prayed before each flight
I would say a silent prayer,
I know I said a lot of them
for the time I was there.

I would close my eyes and pray at night,
Sometimes I even cried.
I saw my friend just yesterday,
Today I learned he died.

There was an awful lot of friends,
the Lord up there did call.
If you have a reason not to believe me,
go down and read the Wall.

There were times I thought my time had come,
I prayed I would go to Heaven,
and maybe join some friends of mine,
from that year of Sixty Seven.

The soldiers who served in Vietnam,
we know were Hero's all Unsung,
most of the ones who lost their lives,
were so very, very young.

The ones who sent us over there
to play the Savior's role,
Which one of them was keeping track
of the U.S. high death toll.

It seems I go back to NAM
a lot of night in my dreams,
Why does a year last a lifetime
or so it just seems.

To awaken at night,
in a cold lonely sweat,
matching soldiers names to faces,
of those Vietnam Vets.

The soldiers that we lost there
I hope went to Heaven,
Let the ones who came home say a prayer for them.

~ Poem written by: Bernard A. Gudeahn January 1997 ~

Please take time to visit
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.
Database of the 58,178 Names on The Wall in Washington,DC. This is the most accurate database online.

The Witness to War Foundation
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     The Witness to War Foundation is a non-profit organization
     dedicated to preserving the stories and unique experiences of
     combat veterans. Over 9000 veterans, primarily from
     World War II, share their stories in digital video, most of which
     have never been told before.

Lightining bolts     Brother to Brother     Lightining bolts

We'll never forget..

Never Forget     American and the POW-MIA flags     Alive or Dead... Bring'em Home...

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