White Roses

James Russell Lowell

James Russell Lowell - has Published 315 Poems

Born: February 22, 1819 - Cambridge, Massachusetts

Died: August 12, 1891 - Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States

American poet, critic, and editor, James Russell Lowell was born in Cambridge, Mass. in 1819. He attended Harvard and earned a B.A. but gave up Law for Literature. In 1838 he married Maria White, an abolitionist and liberal, who encouraged him in his work. His poems 'A Fable for Critics' (1848), 'The Vision of Sir Launfal' (1848), and 'The Bigelow Papers' (1848, written in Yankee dialect) brought him notoriety as a poet and critic. In 1855, Lowell became professor of modern languages at Harvard, a position he held until 1876. In addition to teaching, he served as first editor (1857 – 61) of the Atlantic Monthly and later (1864 – 72) of the North American Review.

He is associated with the Fireside Poets, a group of New England writers who were among the first American poets that rivaled the popularity of British poets. These writers usually used conventional forms and meters in their poetry, making them suitable for families entertaining at their fireside.


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